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School Aims

Ditton Primary School’s guiding principles are to ensure that:

  • Provide a great learning environment
  • Apply excellence to the learning process
  • Treat each other with respect
  • Develop enthusiastically satisfied stakeholders
  • Recognise that being first choice for local families is essential to our future success

Our aims can be summarised as follows:

  • Children stay healthy and safe
  • Children enjoy their education and achieve their full potential
  • Children make a positive contribution to their community

To support effective teaching and learning opportunities to meet the needs of all pupils through:

  • Good order and conduct in the school
  • The effective management of resources
  • The stimulating environment
  • Successful partnerships with parents and outside agencies


As a member school of Warrington Primary Academy Trust, we also believe in an overarching guiding principle: 

"To deliver a first class education through partnership, innovation, school improvement and accountability"

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The school is a secure, caring place, where pupils can develop a range of skills and abilities and achieve their highest standards. Parents are viewed as partners, fully aware of these expectations. To this end school is perceived as a family community, where everyone is valued, where the prevailing atmosphere is supportive, where consideration and respect for others and their property is maintained, and where quality relationships are a significant feature of the school.​

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