Welcome to the EYFS homepage. Here you will find information for our EYFS classes.
Each half-term we will send a newsletter home that includes useful information and dates. You will also be able to read our weekly newsletter on the school app. This is uploaded every Friday.
Don't forget we update our Twitter page most weeks and also send messages via our school communication app - MySchoolApp.
If you have any queries or need any assistance please do not hesitate to contact us.
If you need to pass a message to one of our teachers in the morning, please jot it down on a piece of paper and give it to a member of staff on the door. Please remember to put your child’s name and class.
(Mrs Driscoll), Miss Birchall & Miss Dixon
Every day in Early Years is an adventure! Children in Reception are challenged daily to ensure they reach their full potential. We cater for individual learning styles to ensure all children can access our curriculum. Our approach offers a balance between child initiated play and adult led activities. Through daily phonics, literacy and maths activities we aim for all children to become confident readers, writers and mathematicians.
Our nurturing environment and experienced team of Teachers and Key Workers support the well-being and emotional development of all children to secure happiness and enable learning to take place.
EYFS Learning Overviews
Our Curriculum is based around the understanding that children learn best through play and active learning. Our carefully tailored planning allows us to teach across all 7 areas of learning and development. These being:
PSED-Personal Social and Emotional Development
PD- Physical Development
CLL- Communication and Language
L- Literacy
UW-Understanding the world
EAD- Expressive Arts and Design
We tailor our planning to follow our learners interests and learning styles. We believe that if children are excited and interested by a topic, they will be more engaged in their learning. We often expand learning opportunities in the moment and are not afraid to follow the children's lead when an opportunity to develop a learning idea presents itself! We inform parents of what we have been focusing on in class each week in our newsletter as well as offering further learning ideas for you to support your child at home.
Reading aloud at home should be done at least 5 times per week, even if you only have time to read one or two pages. Please ensure that you make a note in your child’s Reading Record Book to let us know how your child is reading. We value any comment you add. Reading Record Books should be returned to school each day.
Homework tasks are set each week via our app, Tapestry.
PE takes place on a Monday afternoon with Mrs Pauls. Please send PE kits into school on the first day of term and they can be left in school until half term. Please make sure all PE kit items are named and that the children have suitable outdoor and indoor clothing. Further details of kits can be found on our uniform page.
Children are provided with a range of healthy snacks during their day in reception. Snack is £1.50 per week per child and should be paid each Monday. Please send snack money in an envelope with your child's name on.