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Full Reopening of School (September 2020)

We are delighted to welcome back all of our pupils! Please find the details of reopening below:

Wider reopening of Ditton Primary to more pupils

Please find below details of our plans to reopen our school to Reception children. Please note the proposed start date has changed to Monday 15th June 2020.

Please find below details of our plans to reopen our school to Year 1 children from Monday 22nd June 2020,

Please find below details of our plans to reopen our school to Year 5 from Monday 6th July 2020.

Please find below details of our plans to reopen our school to Year 6 from Wednesday 8th July 2020. 

We continue to offer child care provision for our key workers' and vulnerable children. As we move forwards with our plans for a wider reopening of our school, we have had to make a few changes to some of the day-to-day arrangements. Please read the information below for further details:.


Please find an update regarding the delay to the wider opening of our school . 


This page will contain all of the latest updates since the announcements around partial school closures.

Please keep checking this page to ensure you are fully up to date with all news.


Please find below a letter detailing our arrangements for a proposed planned return for children in collaboration with Halton schools. 


We have added a letter from Halton Borough Council to all parents and carers to update you on the Government’s recent announcement and conditional plans for schools opening to more children. It can be found in the documents section below. This letter has also been shared with parents/carers via the MySchoolApp. 


Following the Prime Ministers announcement on 10 May our school will remain open to only key worker and vulnerable children until further notice. We are going to expand our schools on site educational provision in a planned and measured way. This will be in a phased return. We are currently awaiting detailed guidance as promised by the Government and will act upon this to ensure the safety and security of all pupils, staff and visitors. We will keep parents and carers fully informed moving forwards.


Please click HERE to find out about the new guidance we have ben given regarding Key Workers. If you think you child falls in to the Key Workers category, please email Mrs Fenton directly on ditton.head@wpat.uk.

We have addedd a letter from Halton Borough Council sent to all schools today. The link is below. We have also added our own letter. 


We have been given  Stay at home: guidance for people with confirmed or possible coronavirus (COVID-19) infection from Halton Borough Council. Please click the link at the bottom of this page to read this information. 


Annex to Ditton Primary Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy as a result of partial school closure in response to COVID-19

We are encouraging more staff to work from home. While staff are working at home, we need to continue our duty of care for all staff and children during this time. We are putting these measures in place to ensure correct safeguarding takes place.

Contacting Us

If you require any additional information please contact us using the following email address:

School Office. ditton.office@wpat.uk


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