Home Learning Activities
Children in Reception will continue to receive activities via our Tapestry app, Please check this for the regular updates.
Year 1 parents will continue to receive Home Learning tasks by email each Monday morning. These will be sent to the email address previously provided
For our Year 2 - Year 6 children, new Home Learning tasks will be uploaded to Teams each Monday morning. There will be a timetable of activities for each week, arranged by day. This will include a daily maths and English task and some additional activities (eg science, art, MFL, HIstory, Geography etc) . Some of these tasks will be accessed online and there will be a linked web address provided. Other tasks will be contained within the additional documents found in the Files section of Teams. Many of these tasks come from Government recommended organisations and have been chosen specifically for their relevant content and/or learning experiences.
Please note, there is no expectation to print out any of the activities. You may adapt the way your child records their work, for example, by completing the activities shown on screen or downloaded files, in the exercise books we provided in your Home Learning pack. We would expect to hear from you at least once a week via email to share some of the work your child has completed (simply take a photo and attach this to you email) and to let us know how they are getting on. If we don't hear from you each week, a member of staff will contact you.
In addition to these weekly tasks, please also continue to supplement your child's learning with any of the website links on our website or complete any of the activities within the CGP workbooks sent home in March.
If for any reason you are unable to locate the weekly activities, please contact us using the year group email address you have been given.