Attendance and Punctuality
Our attendance target is 96%.
Please remember school starts at 8.50 am. School doors open at 8:45am and close at 9:00 am. Childen should enter the school building via the double doors for their corridor (for reception children these are the double doors under the canopy).
If your child misses the corridor door, they must enter the school through the office and give their name and reason for missing the corridor door. This is a safeguarding procedure so that we register your child as in school.
School Attendance Legislation states that a request from a parent to take their child of compulsory school age out of school during term time can only be granted in exceptional circumstances. Holiday requests during term time will NOT be authorised unless you have an exceptional reason for doing so. Please try to book family holidays during school breaks.
Medical appointments
The register is taken twice a day at 9.00am and 1:00pm. If your child is at a medical appointment during these times it has to be recorded as an absence even if they come into school after the appointment. If at all possible, please arrange appointments for after school or during school holidays (unless it is an emergency) to avoid unnecessary absence marks.
If your child is too ill to come to school., please contact school on the first morning of the absence to let us know the reason why your child is off school. If we don't hear from you, we will try and make contact with you. For this reason, please make sure your contact details are up to date with the school office.
Help if you need it
Sometimes there are underlying reasons why a child does not attend school regularly. If at any time you have any difficulty in getting your child to school then please speak to us! We are here to help and support and can often find ways to stop any problems.
If you would like to discuss your child's attendance please phone 0151 424 5861 or make an appointment through the school office.