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We have set up a communcation app to improve communication between school and parents/carers.  The app is called mySchoolApp and it is free to download.

The benefits of the mySchoolApp to you include:

  • Instant access to an up-to-date school calendar. You can add any event to your own calendar on your phone, with just one tap on the screen;
  • Keep up to date with what is happening at the school. Read bite-sized news items and swipe through the school image gallery;
  • Direct contact links to the school – one touch dialling / email;
  • The school can send you important messages and helpful reminders. (We will be phasing out text messaging service over the coming weeks)

So, let’s get you started

1 Download

The first step is to get mySchoolApp on your phone or tablet. The easiest way, is to use your phone to search on the App Store (Apple) or Google Play (Android) for mySchoolApp. It’s the one with the multi-coloured stick boy app tile (it’s the same logo you can see above). Once you have mySchoolApp on your device there are just a few things you need to do, to ensure you get the most from the app.

2 Login into the school

On the initial screen, start to type the school name. When you have entered a few letters, the app will give you some suggestions. Tap on our school and you’re logged in. You only have to do this once, mySchoolApp will remember your school automatically in future.

3 Registration

When you have selected our school you will be required to enter your details. This is a once only form and enables the app to identify you to the school. The school app administrator will be able to see your name, email and phone number. We also request you create a PIN, which is private. This PIN might be required in the future to use some of the features within the app.

App settings

From the app menu, select Settings.

In this area you can

  • update your contact details
  • add additional schools (which use mySchoolApp)
  • subscribe to Notification Groups
  • select the language you would prefer to read app content

Push Notifications

Push notifications enable the school to notify you of new messages or events without the need for you to open the app. It is recommended that you choose to accept push notifications from mySchoolApp, to ensure that you receive important communications, such as a school closure due to snow.

Notification Groups

We have created notification groups which you can see in Settings. Simply opt in, to receive notifications from the groups which are of interest to you. This may simply be your child’s class(es) or if they are in, for example, the Choir, Netball Club etc. This function enables us to send messages to specific year groups or sports teams for example. At the moment, all calendar events are shown to everyone. In the future, we may link these only to relevant classes.

We would encourage you to share the mySchoolApp and this information with grandparents, childminders etc so they can also receive messages and other useful information. Remember the app is free to download.


We will update the calendar with important dates. You can add these directly to the calendar on your phone. Open an event from the Calendar menu in the app and then click on the 'Add to my calendar' option.

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