The Curriculum at Ditton Primary School gives children opportunities to learn, build on and develop new skills, concepts and knowledge. Children experience a wide range of subjects and activities that allow them to explore different topics and learning styles in detail. Our Curriculum covers the National Curriculum objectives and builds on knowledge taught at previous stages.
Details of our School Curriculum​ can be found on this page and on the subject pages accessed from the curriculum menu on the website. If you have any questions, please contact the school office.
Long Term Planning
Click on the link below to see an overview of the school's Long Term Plan for Science and the Foundation Subjects for 2019 -2020. Details of our English and Maths curriculum can be found on the appropriate subject page.
Medium Term Plans
Each of our foundation subjects including Science have medium term plans which outline the key learning that will take place and show clear progressions in knowledge and vocabulary. Some subjects then have a Knowledge Organiser. These will be used to support children's retention of key facts, knowledge and vocabulary. They will be used in school but could also be used to support homework tasks. Children are encouraged to refer to these for the duration of a topic. .
Learning Overviews
At the start of every half-term we publish our Learning Overviews (Topic Planning) for each year group. These are uploaded on to the appropriate year group pages of our website. Use the navigation menu at the side of this page to find the links to the EYFS & KS1, LKS2 and UKS2 pages.
Curriculum Content
The curriculum at Ditton Primary follows the Department for Education's National Curriculum (September 2013). Curriculum teams within the school adapted the content of the National Curriculum to create learning objectives for each year group. These are in the form of 'I can' statements. Details for each subject can be found by clicking on the subject tabs.
If you want to know more or have any questions then please feel free to discuss this with your child’s class teacher.