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At Ditton, we recognise and highlight the value of Science. We endeavour to show pupils the place of Science in the world and its connections with everyday life, processes, methods, developments and innovations. Developing investigational skills and inquisitiveness in pupils is at the heart of our Science teaching and learning – we want pupils to combine this with relevant knowledge, enabling them to become effective scientists with their own ideas, higher level thinking and curiosity. Pupils enjoy the subject, due to its investigative and practical nature.

We cover the objectives from the National Curriculum but teachers plan their curriculum creatively, linking objectives into current topics and real-life contexts which inspire learning. Enhancements such as visitors, workshops, links with other establishments and educational visits all supplement the curriculum positively.

Yearly events such as Science Week, whole school competitions or Science Open Mornings involve the school as a whole and bring pupils’ families into learning. Science is one of the strongest subjects for cross-curricular links to be made and these are evident throughout pupils’ learning in Science. Lessons are well resourced, with appropriate and new materials and pupils are encouraged to make use of technology, such as Ipads, to enhance their learning.

Long Term Planning

We teach our Science in topics. Topics usually last half a term but some topics will be taught for  longer periods of time. 

An overview of our School Curriculum can be found on the Curriculum page of our website. Please look for our Long Term Planning document.  Below is the information contained within our Long Term Planning document about our Science Curriculum. 

Key Stage 1 topics

Key Stage 2 topics

Click below to see an overview of the Science topics taught taken from the Science National Curriculum.

We have used the National Curriculum to create key skills that will be taught as part of each topic. These are written as  'I  can' statements and are used as lesson objectives . The documents below give further details.

Knowledge Organisers and Medium Term Plans

For each science topic taught, we have Knowledge Organisers. These provide specific details of the content of each science topic. The organisers indicate whether the topics are biology, chemistry or physics related. They give details of the facts the children need to know and understand in the order they will be taught, together with any specific vocabulary. These are shared with the children and are refered to throughout topics. To view any of our Knowledge Organisers, please click on the links below.

Learning Overviews

Each half term teachers produce Learning Overviews. These give details of everything being taught in a half-term. These are published on our Class Pages of this website.

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