At Ditton Primary School, we are committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all of our pupils whatever their needs and abilities. We aim to develop an ethos of care, empathy and understanding. This is essential when dealing with children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). All children are given the opportunity to progress in their learning in a positive way. As a school, we offer a personalised and enriching curriculum to meet the specific needs of all children to help ensure that every child is making progress based on their own educational needs. The whole staff are committed to the provision of an exciting, caring, enriching and multi-sensory learning environment. This arouses the curiosity and raises the aspirations and expectations of all children, including those children who require extra encouragement and stimulus to overcome their difficulties.
We aim to create a school environment in which all children are included, valued and challenged whilst having access to all elements of a rich, broad and balanced curriculum either through whole class teaching or in smaller group or individual interventions We value all of our children and strive to ensure they experience success and achievement and raise their aspirations allowing them to reach their full potential and make progress.
As a school, we provide support and advice for all staff working with SEND pupils by offering bespoke training for staff and whole staff training through insets and regular staff meetings. We try to Identify SEN as early as possible, by working closely with outside professionals and SEND consultants to gain up to date knowledge about assessment and intervention in the early stages of development.
Across the school we use a range of organisational approaches and a variety of teaching styles in our teaching and learning to ensure learning needs are properly addressed and to engage and motivate learners. We work closely with parents/carers to ensure that we take account of the children’s own views and aspirations and the parent’s experience of, and hopes for, their children. Parents and carers are invited to be involved at every stage of planning and reviewing the SEND provision for their child, to ensure co-production of support and provision, through regular meetings with the school's SENDCo and class teacher and through termly ILP meetings.
We involve the child in the planning of targets and future provision and to acknowledge the child’s own views and aspirations for their learning and achievement (at all ages and stages to the best of their ability). Pupil voice is shared on the termly ILP documents and for those children with an EHC Plan, their views are shared during their annual review meetings. We also liaise with outside agencies to support high quality provision.
Mrs. D. Pauls is the school SENDCo and she can be contacted via our Office manager Mrs. A. Campbell, on 0151 424 5861 or by e mail on
For further information about Halton's SEND Local Offer, please click on the link below.