Warrington Primary Academy Trust
WPAT – Warrington Primary Academy Trust
Six Schools, One Guiding Principle
"To deliver a first-class education through partnership, innovation, school improvement and accountability."
We are very proud to announce that on the 1st July 2019, Ditton Primary School converted to academy status, becoming part of a Multi Academy Trust (MAT) called Warrington Primary Academy Trust. We currently work in collaboration with 5 Warrington Primary schools.
About WPAT
Warrington Primary Academy Trust, established 2016, began when three Warrington primary schools and a teaching school formed a Multi-Academy Trust.
We are a converter academy, led by educational professionals and have recently expanded, with additional new members forecast. As a successful MAT, we are ambitious, outward looking and forward thinking and continue to forge ahead in an ever-changing educational landscape.
As the first MAT to form within Warrington, we have forged an expectation for excellence within our communities in all that we do. The impact of our work continues to be seen in the progress and performance of the children in our schools. Each member school understands their local community and is strongly rooted in their locality. WPAT values individuality by recognising and celebrating all our school's strengths and supporting eachother through effective leadership,
With support from core WPAT staff, the schools are able to focus on continual improvement and high quality education. To that end, we have been proactive in developing our innovative approaches to demonstrate improvement.
The Guiding Principle
"To deliver a first class education through partnership, innovation, school improvement and accountability"
WPAT works under a guiding principle, a phrase deliberately used instead of 'vision'. The intention behind this idea is that we want to not only see the principle in action, but also hear and feel it within the everyday activities of our schools. The decisions our staff make, the way in which they think and how they communicate continually echoes our principles. This attitude is encouraged at all levels throughout the Trust and is used as a barometer of quality.
Louise Smith - CEO of Warrington Primary Academy Trust
Louise is a National Leader of Education, an active Ofsted Additional Inspector and is an inspirational, enthusiastic leader, who shares her vision and commitment to achieving excellence across the North West.
As CEO of WPAT, Louise is responsible for staff development, ensuring that the needs of all pupils are met, promoting the core values of the Trust and overseeing relationships with the DfE
Her specific areas of expertise are within KS1 and KS2 in schools with significant barriers. Louise's main goal is to improve the life-chances of pupils, through the belief of high expectations for them, with a team of dedicated teachers providing excellence in teaching and learning. Her influence has been felt throughout the North West, as a driver of school improvement. She has grasped opportunities for innovation in teaching and learning and has supported colleagues and headteachers alike in achieving outcomes, in which children perform above expectations.